Ever wondered why so many Lean initiatives derail?

Vorsicht vor Bildschirmen in der Produktion
2. November 2024
The – all but – secret formula for productivity
22. November 2024

In Novem­ber 2024, I went on my first Lean stu­dy trip to Japan. In my lug­ga­ge, I had the ques­ti­on of why so many lean pro­jects get derai­led. Over the cour­se of the trip, I coll­ec­ted three pos­si­ble ans­wers and published them on LinkedIn.


Yes­ter­day I think I found the first part of the ans­wer. Ima­gi­ne if Lean was coun­ter­in­tui­ti­ve. That would mean that adver­se forces would slow it down. Like fric­tion stop­ping a car. Then you need ener­gy to keep moving. And now comes the quo­te of the day:

Moti­va­ti­on is ano­ther word for energy.

So if that were true, the key to suc­cess would be to have an engi­ne that keeps ever­yo­ne moti­va­ted. And when­ever a Lean pro­ject fails, you bet­ter check the engine.😉


I have pro­ba­b­ly found a second ans­wer in that we in the West do not place enough empha­sis on impro­ving tog­e­ther. Or in see­ing “work as trai­ning” as Ishi­da Bai­gan would have said. In Japa­ne­se cul­tu­re, the pur­su­it of self rea­liza­ti­on by beco­ming a bet­ter self of ones­elf is con­side­red the ulti­ma­te hap­pi­ness. Per­haps this is the miss­ing pie­ce of the puz­zle when we are try­ing to deve­lop a las­ting inte­rest in con­ti­nuous improvement.


In my search for the reasons why so many lean pro­jects derail, I have noti­ced some­thing in the last few days that was not enti­re­ly obvious but seems important to me: All of the com­pa­nies we visi­ted, espe­ci­al­ly Toyota’s direct sup­pli­ers, have a very mana­geable num­ber of tech­no­lo­gies and a cor­re­spon­din­gly homo­ge­neous machi­ne park. You could even say that they each have only a mini­mum of tech­no­lo­gies and a limi­t­ed scope of added value.

Why is this so important? Becau­se in the wes­tern world we tend to do all ope­ra­ti­ons our­sel­ves – as it seems easier to con­trol than exter­nal pro­cu­re­ment – or becau­se our engi­neers are extre­me­ly enthu­si­a­stic about loo­king for the next machi­ne they can buy.😉 The result is a gre­at deal of tech­no­lo­gi­cal diver­si­ty, which is why pro­ducts take very dif­fe­rent paths, respec­ti­ve uti­liza­ti­on fluc­tua­tes great­ly, and the lack of trans­pa­ren­cy as well as the con­trol effort skyrocket.

This means that lar­ge­ly waste-free lead times of 1-5 days can­not be achie­ved and the incen­ti­ve for impro­ve­ments decrea­ses becau­se the fre­quen­cy of every abnor­ma­li­ty is low, not to say sin­gu­lar. Com­pa­nies who­se menu does not fit on one page should not for­get to focus and to redu­ce varie­ty in order to real­ly achie­ve shorter lead times and final­ly spot the results of their Lean acti­vi­ties in their bot­tom line.

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